

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

i finally have a blog
hi everyboddy, i am anna. i had some posts on how i look. i have 2 siblings, katy and ben.
to be clearer, my name is anna peacock. i love peacock. i have a very happy life. but, till my brother was born, my life changed.
i was a carefre person. when my brother, ben was born, i was very happy till nthe doctor said he has hydrocephaleus.i was very sad.
i pity him and care alot about him. i treated him like a normal person but why others cant.
i am very scared of my friends finding out about ben. it may be a little amberrasing for people to know that.
but when they knew it by my best friend telling everybody about ben, i was relieved.i had nothing to hide of!
but havong ben was also the best thing in my LIFE!

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